Driven by Passion: Martin Berry

Presented by Ferrari
Photography by Marcus Lim
10 Sep 2024

Martin Berry is the Founder & CEO of BeMe Wellness and Launchco Ventures

In the journey of entrepreneurship and the pursuit of making a difference, there are those who are driven by a profound passion that not only fuels their ambitions, but also shapes the essence of their endeavors. These individuals are not just pursuing a career; they are living out their dreams through every action they take. Their passion manifests itself in creative and unconventional approaches to problem-solving, leading to innovative solutions that defy the status quo. Even in the face of adversity, they remain undeterred, continuously finding ways to reignite their drive. Their stories are a testament to the power of passion in turning visions into reality, and they offer invaluable advice to aspiring entrepreneurs on harnessing this passion to propel their ventures forward.

Tell us about yourself and what you’re passionate about, which led to what you’re doing now.
I’m a founder, entrepreneur, and someone who is deeply passionate about wellness, family, fitness, and making an impact through business.

I started working in the corporate world when I was 21 and in the next few years, I started to realize that I wasn’t really passionate about working for large corporations. I remember doing a lot of soul searching and wondering, “What am I truly passionate about? What’s going to sustain me?” I decided that I was far more passionate about the idea of building something myself that had less bureaucracy, less politics, less about being small cog in a big wheel. With a long term perspective, I decided that it was more important for me to find something I was passionate about, so I started looking for businesses to do and came across Gong Cha. I put my life savings into it, quit my corporate career, took a massive risk, moved back to South Korea, which is where I worked before, and launched Gong Cha Korea. Thankfully, the business ended up a great success. I eventually ended up buying out the company and expanded it globally.

After stepping into the Chairman role at Gong Cha Global, I had the opportunity to take a step back and reflect on what truly drives me. Through this reflection, I discovered that my passions lie in four key areas: Family, Fitness, Fun (specifically motorsport), and Foundership – the art of building businesses with a meaningful impact. These passions fuelled the creation of BeMe Wellness, a company dedicated to simplifying wellness and making it accessible to everyone. My goal with BeMe is to create products that help people live healthier, more balanced lives by addressing wellness from multiple angles.

Can you describe what passion in action looks like to you?
Passion in action is an unstoppable force. It’s waking up each day with a clear vision and purpose, knowing that what you’re doing is not just work but a reflection of what you truly believe in. You go to bed thinking about it and you wake up in the morning and it’s the first thing that immediately comes to mind. It’s the energy that drives innovation, pushes boundaries, and inspires those around you to be part of something bigger than themselves.

For me, passion in action is evident in every decision I make for BeMe Wellness – from product development to branding – ensuring that we always stay true to our mission of simplifying wellness for everyone. It’s about aligning every action with the core values that drive me and the business forward.

(Related: How Estetica Group's Karen Lam turned a personal adversity into an entrepreneurial triumph)

"Passion in action is an unstoppable force. It’s waking up each day with a clear vision and purpose, knowing that what you’re doing is not just work but a reflection of what you truly believe in."

Tell us about a time when your passion led you to pursue an unconventional approach or solution. What did this experience teach you?
One example that stands out is the approach we took when launching BeMe Wellness. Instead of following the traditional route of a gradual market entry, we decided to go all-in, rapidly scaling the brand into a 7-figure business within a short span. This unconventional approach was driven by my belief that wellness should be accessible to everyone, and we needed to make a significant impact quickly. This experience taught me the importance of trusting your instincts and the value of taking calculated risks. It also reinforced the idea that when passion drives your decisions, you can break conventional barriers and achieve remarkable results.

How do you maintain and fuel your drive during periods of difficulty or stagnation?
During challenging times, I turn to my core passions – Family, Fitness, Fun, and Foundership. Spending time with my family, engaging in fitness activities, and indulging in motorsport all help to rejuvenate my mind and body. Moreover, I remind myself of the bigger picture and the impact we are striving to create through BeMe Wellness.

This perspective helps me push through difficulties and continue moving forward. Staying connected to my purpose, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and surrounding myself with a supportive team are crucial in fueling my drive, even during stagnation.

(Related: 5 individuals who are primed for passion)

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs when it comes to leveraging their passion effectively?
One of the key reasons so many start-ups fail is the inability to differentiate between a passion that’s more of a hobby versus one that has true commercial viability. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of an idea you’re passionate about, but that passion must be grounded in market reality. The best advice I can offer is to validate your concept as thoroughly as possible before diving in headfirst.

This means conducting solid research, launching a minimum viable product, and engaging in continuous testing and learning to determine if there’s a genuine product/market fit before looking to scale it up. Importantly, it’s crucial to discount the feedback from family and friends – they’re often more inclined to support you emotionally rather than providing the honest, candid feedback you need. Trust the data, trust the market, and be prepared to adapt as you go.