Portfolio Community Response

Portfolio Community Response
The Youth Factor
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it unprecedented challenges, some of which demanded close professional attention. Or, in this case, the committed…

Portfolio Community Response
Staying in Touch
Tap into powerful networks of people, media and technology to stay connected during the circuit breaker.

Portfolio Community Response
Working From Home with the Kids
As a working mother of three boys who runs a business from home, the challenges of balancing working from home with my children around are definitely…

Portfolio Community Response
Optimize Your Productivity Tools Setup
Mr. Ng Tian Chong, SVP and MD, Greater Asia, HP Inc., shares three easy tips to ensure that we get the most out of your productivity tools while…

Portfolio Community Response
What I've Learned From This
Mr. Nirvik Singh, Global COO, Chairman & CEO Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, GREYgroup

Portfolio Community Response
Remote Working Optimized
Mr. Ng Tian Chong, Senior Vice President & Managing Director, Greater Asia, HP Inc.

Portfolio Community Response
An Activity, Not A Place
Mr. Amit Midha, President, Asia Pacific, Japan and Global Digital Cities, Dell Technologies