OrangeTee CEO Justin Quek is Breaking New Grounds

By Marianne Tan
Photography by Zulfadli bin Rahman
Styling by CK Koo
Grooming by Nikki Fu using Tom Ford Beauty
05 Aug 2024

From leveraging AI to democratising information, Justin Quek, CEO of real estate company OrangeTee is charting a new path to help people achieve their real estate investment goals.

To say that Justin Quek, CEO of real estate agency OrangeTee, was always destined to be in the business would not be an overstatement.

As other children had pursuits of a more age-appropriate nature, a then 12-year-old Quek was already immersing himself in the world of real estate, having been influenced by his parents’ passion for investing in properties. Quek’s parents, who were buying older resale properties and refurbishing them to flip, had no qualms about letting him be a part of the process.

“As I loved to look at newspaper classifieds, I would be highlighting properties – particularly landed properties – that I thought my parents should have a look at. Then, my mother would call the agents to get more information, and I would later cycle down to the site, do an assessment and report back to my folks,” Quek recalls. A keen architectural interest at a young age also meant that he had an eye for details and the ability to reimagine spaces.

“I would usually be asking for floor plans to start tracing out new facades and layout plans. Till today, every time I step into any space, I would start taking down walls in my head to reimagine better spaces.”

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While parental influences and childhood curiosity were what piqued his interest and affinity with the real estate industry, it was a knowledge of finance that he later acquired in university and an understanding of the returns on real estate that eventually sealed his career path. According to Quek, his family investments in real estate, unlike that in stocks and businesses, had always paid off for them.

“It is with this appreciation and gratitude that I have for real estate that I am compelled to want to learn more and share the knowledge with others on how to make sound decisions for investing in real estate.”

In his final semester of school, determined to not continue taking an allowance from his parents, Quek decided to officially make his own foray into the real estate industry. He responded to an advertisement by property consultancy firm Edmund Tie (then known as DTZ Debenham Tie Leung), joined the company and in a full circle moment of sorts, kick started his career in a space that first drew him to the industry as a child: Selling landed properties.


Using Tech for Good

In April 2023, after two decades of experience in real estate in multiple functions, Quek assumed the role of the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of OrangeTee. Later, in January 2024, he was appointed the Chief Executive Officer, having put in place several new initiatives that would put the company’s agents in good standing to meet the demands and challenges of an industry constantly in flux. The democratisation of real estate information and knowledge for everyone, driven by technology, is what he believes should guide OrangeTee’s business decisions for the future.

“Unlike 10-20 years ago, when agents were the primary source of information for prospective buyers, consumers now conduct extensive research independently before engaging an agent. This means in the current landscape, attracting consumers has become more complex.”

To ensure that OrangeTee could continue to provide value to savvy consumers, Quek launched the Research Hub, a rich resource platform that provides regular updates on market trends, property development, and industry news across all market segments, coupled with the company’s own commentaries and analyses. The intent, he says, is for the Research Hub to serve “as a collective platform to bridge the gap between consumers and agents, and to win the trust of the consumers by supporting them during their research phase”.

Sweater by Loro Piana

“By providing transparent access to valuable information, we build trust and empower consumers throughout their research journey. This ultimately positions OrangeTee as a trusted brand they turn to when an adviser is needed,” explains Quek.

Complementing this is a slew of partnerships and initiatives to upskill agents, so that they can “act more as advisors, rather than traditional agents”.

Luxe by OrangeTee, for example, is a premium service for agents specializing in servicing high-net-worth clients, providing them with curated training in areas like asset enhancement, investment strategies and digital capabilities, and access to exclusive sales opportunities for luxury properties.

Agents can also get certified in real estate digital marketing and investing, thanks to recent partnerships forged with Nanyang Polytechnic and education platform I Quadrant respectively.

And much like how the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has permeated into many business functions across all industries, Quek sees the need for OrangeTee to likewise invest in the AI space and other digital capabilities. Earlier this year, the company announced that it will leverage AI-enabled tools via an internal data bot that is integrated with Meta API and Open API to furnish clients with industry insights and match them with the right agents for their purposes. Over time, the company hopes that this will elevate the standards of client servicing and consequently, client experience.

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From Singapore to the World

  • OrangeTee x C21 MOU Signing
  • OrangeTee x iQuadrant MOU Signing
Click to next slide

The transformation of what used to be core to the identity of a real estate company can be confronting not only for employees, but also its business leaders. But Quek is of the belief that “if you are not doing something you are scared or are unsure of, you are not growing”.  Already, he is looking at how he can bring the OrangeTee business to international shores. 

“Given the current climate in Singapore and the changing consumer base, it made sense to expand into international markets. We launched OrangeTee International earlier this year to explore foreign investments for consumer retail clients, including expanding Japanese business on a B2C level, “he says.

“We have already completed several deals this year and are in active talks with established partners with strongholds in markets such as Australia, UK, and Japan for potential partnerships.”

At the same time, however, he remains guided by his purpose of joining the real estate industry all those years ago: To help people achieve their real estate investment goals. For OrangeTee, this means that sustainable and responsible business practices are non-negotiable.

“The ultimate legacy for me is to have made a positive impact on the lives that have crossed paths with me. I believe if we can think beyond ourselves and always look at how we can encourage others to discover their potential, the world will be a much better place.”

“Real estate takes up a significant amount of financial resources from anybody's portfolio –  it is critical that we conduct responsible business to avoid any unnecessary strains that might impact the market in the long run. With 90% home ownership in Singapore, the market requires sensible and sustainable practices to ensure stability and security for many of us,” Quek explains.

“The ultimate legacy for me is to have made a positive impact on the lives that have crossed paths with me. I believe if we can think beyond ourselves and always look at how we can encourage others to discover their potential, the world will be a much better place.”