Among commercial establishments expected to set up business in the space in the coming years are more than 250 shops, cafés and restaurants; a hotel; a community hub; event venues within the power station; an enormous food hall; and two medical centers. The masterplan allocates 18 acres to public space, including 450m of river frontage and a 6-acre public park.
The ongoing redevelopment of Battersea Power Station, a former industrial brownfield in the heart of London, is transforming 42 acres into a new town center surrounded by mixed-use developments and public spaces serviced by a host of public facilities. About 25,000 people will be living and working across the whole 42-acre site. The Battersea Power Station will open to the public in 2021.

A consortium of Malaysian investors owns the Battersea Power Station site. It includes Sime Darby Property, S P Setia and the Employees’ Provident Fund, with the latter and PNB owning the commercial elements of the Power Station. The British-based Battersea Power Station Development Company is managing the development of the project.

By The Numbers
42 acres – Total area of development
£9 billion – Project cost
25,000 – People expected to live and work on site
4,239 – New homes
3 million sq ft+ – Commercial space in the new office district
250+ – F&B expected to set up shop on the site
18,500sq ft – Food hall within the power station
2 – Medical centers
2 – Police community offices
18 acres – Public space (Including 450-m river frontage and 6-acre public park)